Three Types of Online Personal Training

There are three primary types of online personal training. Compared to in-person training, online personal training offers more

Three Types of Online Personal Training
Our Growing Weight Problem

There are many health concerns throughout society. However, there are none more prevalent and rapidly increasing than the overw

Our Growing Weight Problem
Why You Should Eat More Almonds

From North America to Asia to the Mediterranean, almonds are a nut grown all over the world. Besides their abundance, they are

Why You Should Eat More Almonds
Vegan Diet for Better Health

Whether you are moving toward a full-fledged vegan diet or shifting your daily eating patterns to being predominantly plant-bas

Vegan Diet for Better Health
Simple Tips to Understanding Clean Eating

The simplest way to understanding clean eating is to eat foods that are the least refined and processed. That means eating food

Simple Tips to Understanding Clean Eating
What Is Holistic Health?

If we view holistic health as a form of personal health, then it consists of five components: physical, mental, emotional, soci

What Is Holistic Health?
Can Sex Take the Place of Exercise?

I have been asked by clients, students and others I have conversed with when discussing health and fitness if sex counts as exe

Can Sex Take the Place of Exercise?
Music and Exercise Performance

Does listening to music have a positive or negative effect on exercise performance? There are typically two sides to the music

Music and Exercise Performance
Smart Eating Is Eating What Your Body Needs

Many people focus on the latest diet trends when attempting be healthier. Diets are mostly temporary, resulting in a return bac

Smart Eating Is Eating What Your Body Needs