The Basics on Reading Food Labels

What to look for, what to avoid, what to watch out for when reading food labels. Don’t be fooled by what the front of the packa

The Basics on Reading Food Labels
Top Health and Fitness Goals for 2023

These top health and fitness goals for 2023 encompass various aspects of health, including physical, mental, and emotional well

Top Health and Fitness Goals for 2023
Meal Planning vs Flexible Dieting

Flexible dieting and meal planning are two different approaches to nutrition, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. Suitabi

Meal Planning vs Flexible Dieting
Why You Should Eat More Almonds

From North America to Asia to the Mediterranean, almonds are a nut grown all over the world. Besides their abundance, they are

Why You Should Eat More Almonds
Vegan Diet for Better Health

Whether you are moving toward a full-fledged vegan diet or shifting your daily eating patterns to being predominantly plant-bas

Vegan Diet for Better Health
Smart Eating Is Eating What Your Body Needs

Many people focus on the latest diet trends when attempting be healthier. Diets are mostly temporary, resulting in a return bac

Smart Eating Is Eating What Your Body Needs
Recipe: Almond-Flax Crusted Chicken

You like chicken? Bored with the same way you make your chicken dish? How about making your chicken a bit healthier and tastier

Recipe: Almond-Flax Crusted Chicken